Well, as of yesterday (Sunday, July 7th 2024) the ceiling of the studio is now totally covered with acoustic foam and what a difference it has made to the overall sound of both the main recording space and the control room.

Over the past three weeks my nephew Cooper, his mate Jake and myself have been working on covering all of the ceiling with more soundproofing material mainly to stop outside noise from getting inside the studio especially from the Corella’s which are fast becoming SongMachine’s public enemy #1 (see featured image).

This coming Wednesday Sandy and Darryl (the sparky) are coming down to hopefully finish off the wiring up of the essential hardware in the control room. Once that’s done all that will be left to do would be…

  • Making the double doors for the control room
  • Installing the glass for control room window
  • Total clean up of both sections of the studio
  • Laying down of carpet tiles throughout
  • Putting up theatre drape/curtain around recording room

We’re almost there now but I do breathe a huge sigh of relief that the acoustic foam is now on the ceiling rather than taking up room out on the back patio

Not long now…


Corey 🙂

Since the last update back in late February there has been a fair bit of action on the SongMachine Studio build front.

  • Insulation has been put into all of the walls and the ceiling
  • The central control room wall has been clad and insulated (that was a pain in the arse)
  • Cladding has been put up on the ceiling and some of the walls
  • We now have limited power in the shed with some lights and power points installed

With all that completed, all that needs to be done now is…

  • Finish off electrical work
  • Install control room window
  • Put up the rest of the wall cladding
  • Set up control room – Hardware
  • Install light fixtures/split system AC

Again, I’m sure that I’ve missed out on some stuff for the to-do list but hey… We’re making it up as we go along.

As well as myself, the two other people who has been doing the lion’s share of the work has been Sandy Mathewson (who has the studio design and all of the acoustic concepts locked tight in his brain) and my Dad who is an absolute legend with all of the studio build.

I’ve always been close to my family but there is nothing like a shared project to get some Father/Son time happening

The back and the two side walls of the control room are going to have wooden slat walls. The timber got delivered yesterday (Sunday April 14th) and we’re all ready for another working bee this coming Wednesday (April 17th) to put it all up.

Again, it’s all coming together and the light at the end of the tunnel is certainly getting larger and brighter with every day that passes.

To answer your questions in advance about when SongMachine will be finally launched, my official answer is still “it’s too early to tell.”

Hopefully sooner rather than later but don’t worry, you’ll all be the first to know.


Corey 🙂

Yep… It took a little while but as of yesterday (Friday, February 23rd 2024) all of the internal framework for the studio is now complete.

This also includes the central wall separating the control room and the recording/live streaming area.

Tasks that are left to be done…

  • Install insulation on ceiling
  • Define power points/finish off electrical work
  • Install control room window
  • Put up walls
  • Set up control room – Hardware
  • Install light fixtures/split system AC

I’m sure I’ve missed some things off the list but hey… We’re all making it up as we go along.

A HUGE thank you to Hen Sweet from Home Sweet Home for doing all of the framing work and also my nephew Cooper who acted as Hen’s helper for all of last week.

It’s all coming together. The light at the end of the tunnel is getting larger and brighter with every day that passes. I’m “Big Kev” excited.


Corey 🙂

In the four months since my last update on May 8th the following has taken place:

Old slab had been cleared and ground work prepared for new shed build

New shed built

New slab poured (as of yesterday September 6th, 2023)

Now the shed looks like this…

All that needs to happen now is for the new slab to cure (which should take about a week or two) and then for the next stage to happen – Wall linings and power.

I certainly breathed a sigh of relief when the new slab was poured. It was then I thought that  “shit is just becoming real, there’s no turning back now.” 

Everything is starting to come together albeit a little slower than I anticipated but I remember what a friend told me when I moved in… “Nothing happens quickly in Yankalilla.” 

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining. I’m actually getting used to the slower pace down here. I’m loving it.

SongMachine is definitely one step closer to being a reality.


Corey 🙂

I just wanted to give you all an update as to what’s happening with the SongMachine Studio build.

In an earlier post La Casa Di Mara – The New House I mentioned that…

… the shed out the back is too small and has no power to it so it will need to go and a new purpose built structure will take its place in the new year.

Well, fast forward about four months and this is what has happened so far.

  • Organised the final shed quote with Stratco Goolwa
  • Old shed was dismantled and taken away leaving the slab
  • Yankalilla council approves the new shed build
  • Remaining slab is cut up and prepared to be removed

Here is what is should be happening from now on (barring Murphy’s Law and life getting in the way).

  • The slab is to be removed in about 2-3 weeks
  • Ground to be prepared for slab after shed construction
  • Shed components to be delivered around about the same time
  • Shed to be erected about 4 weeks after delivery
  • New concrete slab to be poured soon after

All things considered, the new shed should be built and ready to go by the end of July which is when the real fun begins. 

Power will need to be connected, wall linings built, soundproofing installed and lastly, all of the musical and studio equipment that’s currently filling up the two extra bedrooms of the house will need to be moved in, set up and tested to see if it’s all working the way it should.


Along with trying to re-establish myself plus my music and web businesses in a whole new environment, this new office/studio/creation space has taken up a lot of my time and focus. I suppose I’m creating for myself everything that I’ve always wanted for me and my music.

A place to play, create, develop, compose, rehearse and record. My happy place.

I feel like everything that I’ve been working for is moving towards a single point of time and that is the time when SongMachine is finally operational.

Right now, thinking about all of the possibilities excites me. It gets me out of bed in the morning and I just can’t wait to share with you all the fruits that this SongMachine tree has to offer.

All I can say is “watch this space” as there will definitely be more news to follow.


Corey 🙂