You would’ve guessed by now through reading my posts that I’m a real fan of the songwriting process and the many ways that a song can be created.
I’m also a great believer in not throwing any songwriting ideas away, no matter how small, bland, banal, silly or trivial you might think they are.
Now I know of songwriters who, like me, are pretty good at organising their ideas for future reference and that’s a great thing.
However, I know of others who have indiscriminately thrown away reams of paper and piles of notebooks filled with potential song fragments, possible song titles and bits and pieces of hurriedly scribbled phrases and sentences.
This really breaks my heart.
If you’re one of those songwriters who would rather clear the slate than organise your song snippets for later use, listen up… Have I got a deal for you.
Next time you’re feeling the need to sort out and purge or, if the temptation to chuck away all of your stuff you’ve held on for so long has become far too much to bear…
Just give your songwriting ideas to me.
That’s right, give them to me. I’ll gladly take your songwriting ideas off your hands and out of your life.
Think of me as a retirement home for all your old song snippets that you feel have stifled your creativity and have gotten you nowhere. I’ll give your stuff a new home and in the process, I might just develop some of them into songs of my own.
But here’s the thing…
Even though I’ll be in possession of your old ideas, I’m still very mindful of where these ideas have come from and will definitely give you credit where the credit is due.
So, the deal is…
If I create a song from anything that you’ve sent me, I’ll give you between 10% and 50% songwriting credit depending on how much of your idea I’ve used.
I think that’s a pretty good deal considering you were going to throw them away in the first place.
This is proof of how much value I personally put on songwriting ideas, no matter how large or small they are or, where they came from.
So before you throw your old stuff away and before you succumb to the urge to bin all of your old song fragments, think about my offer. Contact me and we’ll work out how I can offload these ideas from you.
I’m serious. What have you got to lose?
Corey 🙂