YES! There is now light at the end of the tunnel.

Over the last couple of weeks there has been some frenzied activity with the SongMachine Studio build.

All of the walls that have electrical wiring attached to it have now been finished and are now ready for Darryl the electrician to finish off his bits and pieces which will make this whole studio dream one big step closer to reality.

Here are some images including the finished control room (notice the side and rear walls)…

Once Darryl has done his bit it’s then time to put up the final piece of the puzzle… The acoustic foam on the ceiling.

That wont be happening for at least another couple of weeks though.


Corey 🙂

Since the last update back in late February there has been a fair bit of action on the SongMachine Studio build front.

  • Insulation has been put into all of the walls and the ceiling
  • The central control room wall has been clad and insulated (that was a pain in the arse)
  • Cladding has been put up on the ceiling and some of the walls
  • We now have limited power in the shed with some lights and power points installed

With all that completed, all that needs to be done now is…

  • Finish off electrical work
  • Install control room window
  • Put up the rest of the wall cladding
  • Set up control room – Hardware
  • Install light fixtures/split system AC

Again, I’m sure that I’ve missed out on some stuff for the to-do list but hey… We’re making it up as we go along.

As well as myself, the two other people who has been doing the lion’s share of the work has been Sandy Mathewson (who has the studio design and all of the acoustic concepts locked tight in his brain) and my Dad who is an absolute legend with all of the studio build.

I’ve always been close to my family but there is nothing like a shared project to get some Father/Son time happening

The back and the two side walls of the control room are going to have wooden slat walls. The timber got delivered yesterday (Sunday April 14th) and we’re all ready for another working bee this coming Wednesday (April 17th) to put it all up.

Again, it’s all coming together and the light at the end of the tunnel is certainly getting larger and brighter with every day that passes.

To answer your questions in advance about when SongMachine will be finally launched, my official answer is still “it’s too early to tell.”

Hopefully sooner rather than later but don’t worry, you’ll all be the first to know.


Corey 🙂