It’s been two months since the last update and yes, things have been a little quiet on the SongMachine Studio front but still, there has been activity, just the progress has been very, very slow.

After the ceiling was completed the only things left to do were the construction of all the doors which were four in total (two for the control room and one each for the front and side entrances) as the spaces left as doorways in the floating wall framework were not of standard size plus the installation of two panes of glass for the control room window.

At this very moment, one of the panes of glass has been installed and the two control doors have been constructed and put into place but in doing so we came across some bad news.

The door frames for the control room wall are not perfectly square meaning that fitting two opposing doors which are meant to seal together was and still is going to be more of a challenge than first anticipated.

Add to that the fact that both Sandy and I can only get together once a week (on a Wednesday) to work on the studio build in which Sandy was sick for the last two weeks.

Well, things have ground slowly to a halt for the time being.

Anyways, I just wanted to let you all know that once Sandy is well again (he is on the mend and should be back by next Wednesday September 11th) we’ll recommence the studio build and (fingers crossed) have everything done by the end of September.

I can see the switch that I need to flick to get everything working but I just can’t reach it. It’s so very frustrating but I’m looking at this as an opportunity to practise my tolerance, patience and humility.

There are a number of people who are waiting very patiently for SongMachine to be finished and my message to them is “We’re almost there, not long to go now”

I guarantee you that I am not going to be beaten by four doors and a window pane. As soon as it’s all systems go you’ll all be the first to know. In the meantime I am going to use this time to practise my patience and tolerance to unforeseen circumstances which will only benefit my development as a human being.

At the moment it’s certainly the gift that keeps on giving.

As always, watch this space…


Corey 🙂

Well, as of yesterday (Thursday May 16th) all of the major building work has been done with my Dad finishing painting all the walls as you can see below…

All that is left to do now is…

  • Make and install the doors.
  • Buy and install glass for control room window.
  • Put up acoustic foam on ceiling.
  • Lay down all of the carpet tiles.
  • Sort out electrical issue (the circuit board keeps tripping out at the moment).

Once all this is done the fun part begins, bringing in all of the hardware and setting it all up, testing it all out and making test recordings to see if the recording workflow is going to be seamless between the analogue and digital systems working together. 

Plus, along with all of that, the studio speakers also need to be installed as well. This is primarily going to be Sandy’s job with me helping out. 

It’s starting to come to the pointy end of the build and I’m really excited about all of the possibilities that lie ahead for me. Now, it’s my goal that everything “should” be ready to go by July 1st but, we’ll see what happens.

At this point my fingers are crossed.


Corey 🙂

YES! There is now light at the end of the tunnel.

Over the last couple of weeks there has been some frenzied activity with the SongMachine Studio build.

All of the walls that have electrical wiring attached to it have now been finished and are now ready for Darryl the electrician to finish off his bits and pieces which will make this whole studio dream one big step closer to reality.

Here are some images including the finished control room (notice the side and rear walls)…

Once Darryl has done his bit it’s then time to put up the final piece of the puzzle… The acoustic foam on the ceiling.

That wont be happening for at least another couple of weeks though.


Corey 🙂

Finally, there has been some progress with the studio build now that Christmas, New Year and my birthday are now out of the way for the year.

With some help by the wonderful Henry Sweet, all of the walls now have a framework to put in the soundproof insulation as well as getting a start on putting ion the electrical cabling.

I’ll be getting the insulation this week and it’s my hope that all walls will be insulated by the end of the week.

It’s really starting to take shape and the light is starting to appear at the end of the tunnel.


Corey 🙂