Historically for me, the month of December has always been a time where I would take stock of what’s happened during the year and map out what will be happening in the next year.

I find this mix of the learning of lessons and the discovery of possibilities very exciting indeed.

Over the last couple of Decembers however, I’ve not really been in the right mind to do this exercise properly but this December has been different and it’s great to be back.

So with all that being said and with the end of 2022 fast approaching, it’s time for me to finalise (but not set in concrete) my list of professional and personal resolutions for 2023.

I’ve decided that this non exhaustive list will be a series of activities that I will do more of. How that will transpire throughout 2023 will be determined on a day to day basis.

With my core goal for 2023 being to live a slower, steadier, simpler and more silent life, I present to you what I want to doing more of in 2023…


For someone like myself who is a songwriter and a blogger it seems pretty obvious doesn’t it?

I will be making the time to write more songs, blog posts, short stories, poems, journal entries, anything that can get what is in my mind and heart out into the world

Re-establishing a daily writing routine will be good for my musical output as well as my (mental) health in general.


This can be interpreted in a number of ways.

On the music side, this means that I’ll find the time to write more songs and spend more time learning the guitar, bass, piano and the recording studio.

This would also mean that I’ll be playing more as a result of this practise and for me, practise and play are the cornerstones of creativity plus, these are all the things needed for me to master the craft of being a songwriter, musician and producer.

From doing this I will also be able to record more music, finish more music by revising my archive, release more music and collaborate/network with other songwriters and musicians locally and globally.

On the personal side, this means that I’ll find the time to do all of the things that are non-work related but still essential in ensuring that my core goal is realised such as meditation, writing, exercise, gardening, cooking and so on.

All of these activities seem small and insignificant by themselves but when put together in a daily, weekly or monthly routine it really makes a difference.


I fully admit… I don’t read enough.

I always felt that reading was more of a functional activity, a means to get to a destination rather than something you do for pleasure.

In the past, when I made attempts to read a book for the sake of it, I would immediately feel guilty and start thinking of all the other things that I could’ve be doing with my time.

It’s time to change that mindset.

In 2023 I will find the time to read more and slow my life down as a result. Immersing myself in words will help me to become a better lyricist and engage in my imagination a lot more.


Moving away from the city and living in the country has helped a lot in enabling me to slow down and relax but I still have a lot to learn about effectively stopping the world so I can get off of it.

One of the things I will be doing in 2023 is to stop multi-tasking and just concentrate my focus on one thing at a time.

Instead of trying to do many activities at the same time and not completing anything I’ll be experimenting with setting aside chunks of time dedicated to specific tasks or activities during the course of my work day or, for doing nothing at all.

When I work, I work and when I relax, I relax. Seems simple enough doesn’t it?


This is a no brainer really. Plain and simply, I need to move more, walk more and do more on a physical level. I know that nothing will get my creative juices flowing more than feeling good about myself and the world around me.

I have let myself go a little bit (more on this in a future post) but 2023 will be the year that I reclaim my overall health.

I know what it felt like when I was on top of my health therefore I know that I can get there again. By doing this I’ll be more productive but most importantly, I’ll a much better person for myself and everyone else.

I know what to do, I’ve just got to go and do it. Healthy body, healthy mind, healthy life.

This list is going to be constantly changing, morphing and being redefined. Therefore, I need to be flexible in my approach to all of this (which has been something that I haven’t been in the past).

Considering what has happened to me over the past couple of years and where I am at right now I reckon I’ve got this.

What are some of the goals and resolutions that you want to achieve in 2023. Let me know and perhaps we can all help each other but in the meantime, I want to wish everyone a safe and creatively prosperous 2023. May it be everything that you want it to be and more.


Corey 🙂

As of last Tuesday, December 13th, I am now officially living in my new place in Yankalilla.

The rooms have been painted, the furniture moved in, the fridge and pantry have been stocked, gas and electricity is switched on, the NBN connected and the office and (temporary) studio is all ready to go.

NB: Yes, the shed out the back is too small and has no power to it so it will need to go and a new purpose built structure will take its place in the new year. In the meantime the rear office will do for now.

All of this means that I’m back, baby (well, maybe after Xmas and New Years Day is over).

Right now, I am writing this from my office at the rear of the house. The window in front of me overlooks the backyard where a single rainwater tank and two massive gum trees are standing proudly and all I can hear are the sounds of birds.

This is where I want to come to work every day.

Thinking back, it’s been quite a long journey to get to this place and whilst looking in my journals I pinpointed the exact time that I decided to finally sell up and move down South.

It was December 5th, 2021 and I was sitting at a cafe on the beach at Normanville around about 11:30 in the morning, taking the long way home and still buzzing from the night before, jamming with friends at a property at Myponga Beach.

It was then and there that I was inspired enough to run and take a giant leap into the unknown. I wrote in my journal…

“That’s it… I’m selling up and moving down to the Fleurieu. If I don’t do it now then I never will.”

And with a stroke of a pen, the wheels were set in motion and just over 12 months later I am here, revelling in the silence.


Corey 🙂

Today marks the second anniversary of Mara’s passing and I look back on a previous entry to help me reflect on what has transpired over the last two years.

In this previous entry I noted that what I had learned was that…

  • Life is far too short for me to be waiting for permission to do something with it
  • Fear is all in my head
  • I suffer fools even less gladly than I normally would
  • People spend too much time complaining about first world problems

I still think and feel these things but since then I have also noticed that…

  • Slipping back into old habits is easy, maintaining new habits is hard
  • Momentum is something you need to constantly work at
  • You never, ever take anything for granted
  • Community and your connection to it is more important than ever

It’s amazing what comes out of you if you give yourself the time and permission to just sit and reflect (and not feel guilty about it).

Even though it’s been two years, not a day goes by where I am reminded of Mara and how much of a positive influence she has had on my life.

Sometimes this fact energises me and (most) other times it really hits me hard in the feels but today I wanted to celebrate how special and uniquely original Mara was and the best way for me to do that is with a song.

This song is called One Of A Kind and I wrote this in 2018 after Mara put up a fridge magnet with the first part of a beautiful quote from Pope John Paul II on it.

The full quote is…

“The human being is single, unique, and unrepeatable, someone thought of and chosen from eternity, someone called and identified by name”

The quote inspired me so much that I wrote and demoed the song in just under a couple of hours and it was one of Mara’s favourite songs of mine.

Mara was definitely one of a kind. Always was and always will be.


Corey 🙂

One Of A Kind
©2018 C. Stewart

You managed to find your way
Through all the obstacles in this game of life
And through the challenges you faced
You made it through to the other side

You never know how much you mean to me
But it’s so obvious as far as I can see

Did you know that you are one of a kind
Yes you are, something so magical
Did you know that you are one of a kind
Yes you are, something irreplaceable

Nothing short of a miracle
Is what you are and what you’ll always be
I don’t why we try so hard
To be somebody else coz we’re all we need

You never know how much you mean to me
But it’s so obvious as far as I can see

Did you know that you are one of a kind
Yes you are, something so magical
Did you know that you are one of a kind
Yes you are, something irreplaceable


You never know how much you mean to me
But it’s so obvious as far as I can see

Did you know that you are one of a kind
Yes you are, something so magical
Did you know that you are one of a kind
Yes you are, something irreplaceable

Did you know that you are one of a kind
Yes you are, something so magical
Did you know that you are one of a kind
Yes you are, something irreplaceable

To increase your ability to generate songwriting ideas, it’s necessary to increase your life experience, and that means getting out of your comfort zone and embracing what life has to offer you.

Imagine having the confidence to fully experience your life with the knowledge that there’s a great song to be written as a result of the risk being taken.

That’s a mighty powerful way of looking at life.

A prime example of a situation that can benefit from this way of thinking is the awkward, clumsy and very vulnerable beginnings of falling in love. So many people just don’t take the risk for the fear of getting hurt.

Now, the fear of getting hurt is certainly a real one, no doubt about that but my argument is that if you’re committed to songwriting as a pathway to experiencing your life to the full then it is your duty as a songwriter to take the risk and go with it.

If whatever you take the risk on works out then you have some great songs to write. If it doesn’t work out then you still have some great songs to write (with perhaps a bit of therapy thrown in for good measure).

How can you lose?

Going out of your way to fully experience your life doesn’t mean having to endure mammoth changes, swings and roundabouts or extreme tragedy. It’s the little things that you can do to break the habits and routines of your day to day life that make all the difference.

Here are some examples of little things you can do to get more out of your life and therefore, get more out of your songwriting.

  • Go see a movie by yourself
  • Take a long walk on the beach
  • Go for a drive
  • Call a friend you haven’t spoken too in ages
  • Strike up a conversation with a complete stranger
  • Catch public transport
  • Go to a cafe and write (or start writing) in your journal
  • Smile at people and watch their reactions
  • Meditate and listen
  • Go skydiving (Optional – I can understand if people find this a little extreme)

    Generally, we try so hard to control everything in our lives so we don’t experience anything that we would consider as bad; however, by choosing songwriting as a way to experience life, we can relax and allow our lives to unfold before our eyes.

    Then we write a song about it.

    Just think, if you look at your life in this way, you will never be able to use the excuse “I don’t have anything to write about” ever again.

    What do you think about songwriting as a way to experience more out of life? What aspect of your life can you change up or do a little different today? How would that change affect you? Would you write a song about it?

    Remember (even if it is for the sake of your songwriting process), don’t ever be afraid to fully experience your life, choose it.


    Corey 🙂

    Below is some light weekend reading for all you live musicians out there…

    Now this rant has been around the internet for a while now and I first stumbled across this on Facebook. 

    My initial thoughts were that the following passage below was hilarious but at the same time a little too close to home in some places.

    I wondered how many live musicians reading this would agree with me so I rediscovered the full rant and posted it below for your enjoyment.


    “When requesting a song from the band, just say “Hey, play… [insert song here]” 

    We all have chips implanted in our heads with an unlimited database of the favourite tunes of every patron who ever walked into a bar, and all songs ever recorded. So feel free to be vague, we love the challenge.

    If we say we really don’t remember that tune, we’re only kidding. Bands do know every song ever recorded, so keep humming. 

    Hum harder if need be… it helps jog the memory, or just repeat your request over and over again.

    If a band tells you they do not know a song you want to hear, they either forgot they know the tune, or they are just putting you on. Try singing a few words for the band. 

    Any words will do. It also helps to scream your request from across the room several times per set, followed by the phrase, “YOU SUCK!”

    Exaggerated hand gestures expressing disapproval are a big help as well, such as the thumbs down or your middle finger up, are the best way to jog a band’s memory. 

    This instantly promotes you to the status of “Personal Friend Of The Band.” You can bet your request will be the next song we play.

    Entertainers are notorious fakers and jokesters, and never really prepare for their shows. They simply walk on stage with no prior thought to what they will do once they arrive. 

    We don’t actually make setlists or rehearse songs. We mostly just wait for you to yell something out, then fake it. An entertainer’s job is so easy, even a monkey could do it, so don’t let them off the hook easily. 

    Your request is all that matters.

    Once you’ve figured out what genre of music the band plays, please make your requests from a totally different genre.

    The more exaggerated the better. If it’s a blues band playing, yell for some Metallica. Likewise, if it’s a death-speed metal band playing, be sure to request Brown Eyed Girl or some Cold Chisel.

    Musicians need to constantly broaden their musical horizons, and it’s your job to see that it happens… Immediately.


    The best time to discuss anything with the band in any meaningful way is at the middle of a song when all band members are singing at the same time.

    Our hearing is so advanced that we can pick out your tiny voice from the megawatt wall of sound blasting all around us. We can converse with you in sign language while singing the song, so don’t worry that we’re in the middle of the chorus.

    Musicians are expert lip readers too. If a musician does not reply to your question or comment during a tune, it’s because they didn’t get a good look at your mouth in order to read your lips.

    Simply continue to scream your request and be sure to over emphasise the words with your lips. This helps immensely but don’t be fooled, singers have the innate ability to answer questions and sing at the same time.

    If the singer doesn’t answer your questions immediately, regardless of how stupid the question may seem, it’s because they are purposely ignoring you.

    If this happens, immediately cop an attitude. We love this.


    When an entertainer leans over to hear you better, grab his or her head in both hands and yell directly into their ear, while holding their head so they can’t pull away. This will be taken as an invitation to a friendly and playful game of tug of war between their head and your hands.

    Don’t give up! Hang on until the singer or guitar player submits.

    Drummers are often safe from this fun game since they usually sit in the back, protected by the guitar players. Keyboard players are protected by their instrument, and only play the game when tricked into coming from behind their keyboards.

    Though difficult to get them to play, it’s not impossible, so keep trying. They’re especially vulnerable during the break between songs.


    If you inform the band that you are a singer, the band will appreciate your help with the next few tunes, or however long you can remain standing on stage. If you’re too drunk to stand unassisted, simply lean on one of the band members or the most expensive piece of equipment you see.

    Just pretend you’re in a Karaoke bar and simply walk up on stage and join in.

    By the way, the drunker you are, the better you sound, and the louder you should sing. If by chance you fall off the stage, be sure to crawl back up and attempt to sing harmony.

    Keep in mind that nothing assists the band more than outrageous dancing, fifth and sixth part harmonies, or a tambourine played on one and three and out of tempo. 

    Try the cowbell; they love the challenge. The band always needs help and will take this as a compliment…

    Finally, the microphone and PA system are merely props, they don’t really amplify your voice, so when you grab the mic out of the singer’s hand be sure to scream into it at the top of your lungs, otherwise no one will hear what a great singer you are.

    Hearing is overrated anyhow. The crowd and the sound guy will love you for it.


    As a last resort, wait until the band takes a break and then get on stage and start playing their instruments. They love this.

    Even if you are ejected from the club, you can rest assured that you have successfully completed your audition. The band will call you the following day to offer you a position…”

    Did you find yourself wincing every now and then? I know I did. 

    There is a rock horror story in every sentence and I’m sure we’ve all lived out at least one of them. Is there anything that really resonates with you? If so, let me know

    You show me your horror story and I’ll show you mine.

    Long live live music,


    Corey 🙂

    As I’m now getting ready to play live again, I need to remind myself that I don’t ever want to fall back into the trap of just playing covers for the sake of it and at the cost of performing my own material. 

    I do want to explore, however, the concept of being an interpreter of songs rather than just a replicator of other people’s music. This means that when I play other people’s songs I will be performing the songs that I want to perform, in the way that I want to perform them.

    I’m not really interested in performing to audiences that only want to hear the same old tired songs that every other performing musician does. I’m ideally looking to play to audiences that want to experience something new and different. 

    If anything it will definitely keep me interested and motivated at the same time.

    From my experience of performing covers over the last 15 years or so, there are three main differences between an interpreter of a song and a replicator of a song.

    First of all, an interpreter performs the song in the way that they wish to perform it, not by how it’s been performed in the past. 

    An interpreter puts their own spin, personality and sonic point of view onto the song creating a (sometimes) different version to the point of the song becoming almost unrecognisable to the listener.

    A replicator performs the song the way it’s always been played.

    Secondly, an interpreter performs the song as a creative exercise rather than it just being a functional activity.

    Continuing on from the first point, if you’re performing songs the way YOU want to perform them, then you’re approaching your gig as a creative exercise rather than a means to an end. 

    Yes, you’re going to be paid at the end of the show (and therein lies the functional element of the gig) but your artistic integrity will remain intact at the same time.

    A replicator approaches the gig as a functional transaction of service to payment and therefore the performance of the songs will reflect this attitude.

    Lastly, an interpreter approaches the songs they perform the same way as a songwriter approaches performing one of their own songs.

    An interpreter looks at the song as a whole and uses the performance of it to inspire and educate the listening audience through the delivery both vocally and instrumentally of the song’s form, dynamics and arrangement.

    Every performance of the song is therefore a unique experience for both performer and audience.

    A replicator approaches the song as if they were in control of a jukebox.

    I used to think that trying to be all things to all people through playing all of the songs that they wanted to hear would give me job satisfaction through playing lots of gigs and therefore making a serviceable full-time living through live performance.

    This is what I did for around 12-15 years (with FIGJAM and other cover projects) and at the end of it all, I was left a burnt out and empty shell of a man.

    Not anymore.

    As songwriters, musicians, artists and performers, we have the control over how much of ourselves we want to expose to an audience. Some musicians want to keep the live experience at a surface level and that’s okay.

    I, on the other hand, really want to go deeper than that and the best way I think to do that is through the delivery of the music. Whether I’m performing my music or the music of another.

    I’ll see you at a gig real soon.


    Corey 🙂

    Since I moved down to the Fleurieu at the start of March, my primary goal was to buy a house and set myself up for the next phase of my life. 

    I wanted to find a place where I could work and escape from the world at the same time and as of a few days ago, this goal has been realised. 

    Yes… I’ve just bought a house in Yankalilla.

    I’ll get the keys on November 8th and after some cosmetic tweaks to the inside such as a new kitchen, polishing floorboards and a new coat of paint, it’ll be ready for Charlie and I to move in and make our own.

    It feels good to finally see the light at the end of the tunnel as there were a few times in the house hunting process that my hopes had been dashed but this time though, I got what I was looking for.

    I’ll now be able to work and record from home in an environment that will be more conducive to productivity and creativity.

    Living with Mum and Dad has been absolutely wonderful but the space I worked in was always a temporary one and therefore the atmosphere was always going to be different, more restless and slightly inhibited.

    I’m now looking forward to creating more, working more, relaxing more and just “being” more because now that I have my own place… I can do what I bloody well like.

    Pics will come soon.


    Corey 🙂

    Anyone who knows me knows that I am a great believer in using anything that can create, inspire, stimulate and expand on my songwriting ideas and turn them into a finished song.

    The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) in our day to day lives has just exploded over the last few years and the world of songwriting has not been immune to this phenomenon. 

    It seems that “AI” is the newest buzzword around and there’s a huge demand for AI to be involved with any and every part of the creative process. 

    It’s easy to come to the conclusion that any human involvement in the creative process will become obsolete. I don’t think this will be the case at all.

    Now I myself have used AI songwriting/musical tools to expand, embellish and enhance my own songwriting ideas and to get myself out of writer’s block. 

    I do this because I’m truly fascinated by the promise of AI and what it can do for songwriters and musicians alike. The promise being a never-ending flow of randomly generated songwriting ideas.

    Of course these ideas are not going to be perfect but that is the beauty of working with AI songwriting tools. These AI generated songwriting ideas will still need (and will probably always need) the discernment filter of a human brain that’s been trained by years of experience to steer those song ideas to completion.

    Are songwriting ideas generated by an AI tool less relevant than if they were 100% generated by a human? 

    As far as I’m concerned, no way because at the end of the day an AI songwriting tool is just that… A TOOL

    It’s a means to an end and when you think about it, any tool that can generate a songwriting idea is a good tool in my book.

    Recently, I updated my most popular blog post The BIG List Of Songwriting Prompts And Lyric Generators to now include a list of AI powered songwriting and lyric writing tools because whether we like it or not, THIS is going to be a big part of the future of songwriting.

    Whether they’re created by a computer program or, through machine learning, these songwriting ideas and prompts are just there to help stimulate creativity within the human mind.

    They exist to merely take your creativity to places you’d never go. For me, it’s like a mate giving you a tip on a great fishing spot but there are some advocates against AI in songwriting who talk about how using these tools is tantamount to cheating. 

    Yes, I suppose you can technically “cheat” if you really want to, but having AI write a song for you and then claiming it as your own work is a hollow victory (if you can just watch the film Yesterday and you’ll know exactly what I mean). 

    Just letting AI do all the heavy lifting would simply take all the fun out of creating and besides, is a guitarist who uses a capo a cheat? No, not at all.

    I personally want to be on the forefront of these developments rather than be lagging behind to play catch up. I’ll continue to use AI songwriting/lyric writing tools in my songwriting process and if there’s anything that I can share with you all in the future I will.

    So, in conclusion… As long as we control the technology within the process rather than the other way around, I think songwriting as a craft is not going to diminish in its humanity.

    What do YOU think about the role of AI in the songwriting process?

    The role of AI in songwriting has already launched some robust discussion and will continue to be an interesting conversation topic now and into the future so let me know what you think because I’m always up for a good chat.


    Corey 🙂

    I think it goes without saying that I love to write songs.

    Sometimes a song can come from thin air and basically write itself and sometimes a songwriting session can be more painful than passing kidney stones. It all depends on whether you’re attuned to the muse or not.

    To really get my creative juices flowing I like to participate in online songwriting challenges like FAWM, 5090 or RPM because there’s nothing like a deadline to make things a bit interesting.

    I really love putting my songwriting process to the test, turning everything that I see, hear and experience into a songwriting ideas and then crafting those ideas into a completed song but there have been times when I needed a little bit more help getting my songwriting process underway.

    When this happens, I am comforted by the fact that there are free online songwriting tools to the rescue.

    As a songwriter who comes up with musical ideas much more easily than lyrical ones, I use these online random word generators and songwriting prompts whenever I find myself in a situation where I’m fresh out of songwriting ideas.

    I know from personal experience that from time to time a prompt such as a good song title or a few well chosen lines overheard in a conversation can be all that’s needed to open the floodgates of inspiration.

    I mean, there are even songwriting tools out there that are using Artificial Intelligence to power their results. It’s this area of songwriting and music creation that I have been most fascinated with of late.

    So, with that in mind, I thought I’d do some online research into these types of songwriting tools for you all.

    Some are fairly serious and some are more humorous but if you have a look at them and give the ones you feel will work for you a go, you’ll find some real value in these sites so here is the BIG List Of Songwriting Prompts And Lyric Generators for you to enjoy and be inspired by…

    Song Lyric Generators

    Song Title/Band Name Generators

    (Song) Writing Prompts

    AI Powered Songwriting/Music Creation

    You’ll notice that some of these tools are a bit tongue in cheek but there are also some songwriting tools that are seriously good.

    Either way, by using these songwriting tools it’s my hope that you’ll take your creativity to places you’ve never imagined as much as I have by using them.

    I’d be interested to hear how you go with any of these. If you come across any other songwriting tools that you feel will help anyone with their songwriting process, feel free to let me know about it and I’ll add it to this list.


    Corey 🙂