What A Regular Meditation Practise Does For Me Personally?


For me, meditation has created a path to a more meaningful, happy and relaxed life. A slower, steadier, silent and a more simpler kind of life.

This is because meditating is an extremely effective way to achieve a deeper understanding of myself. It teaches me better ways of dealing with my problems and issues on a daily basis.

Through meditation I become a more calm, happy and balanced person who is on his way to achieve whatever it is I want to achieve in my life.

I’m sure that everyone at least once in their life, has experienced a moment in which they’ve found themselves in a situation of deep relaxation, satisfaction and consciousness.

A situation where all your daily worries had disappeared and your mind was clear and focussed with a feeling of being at one with the present, with the moment.

THAT is the essence of meditation

By regularly practising meditation, I am learning how to return to that same condition time and time again, whenever I need to and by being able to do this, I don’t have to depend on external stimuli to experience such moments of happiness.

I can find it inside myself.

Meditation also allows me to learn to relax quickly and effectively, to improve focus and concentration. It is also an exceptionally effective technique to balance the personal and professional life to a deeper level.

Meditation techniques are successfully used by millions of people every day to:

  • Relax the mind and body
  • Relieve stress and tension
  • Improve physical, mental and spiritual health
  • Increase focus and concentration
  • Harness self-awareness and personal growth
  • Improve your focus and creativity

I have found that when I’ve started to regularly practise meditation and in turn, study the philosophy behind it, I suffer less from unnecessary, unpleasant and frustrating negative trains of thought.

I start to live more in the NOW.

As a result of this I become more in tune with my feelings and will have more confidence that I will make the right choices and do what it is that we really want to do.

I become more authentic and true to myself.

Through a consistent meditation practise I’ve become mentally healthier because I’m not expending my energies on useless and trivial things.

become more successful at our work because I feel better in and about my work. I go about my day to day with greater focus and in turn creativity flows much more easily.

become a more pleasant and a more peaceful person because I feel better inside and out plus, I have some control over my emotions and streams of thought more effectively.

As I get to know more myself more through our meditation practise, I begin to realise that it’s me who is solely responsible for my own happiness and therefore am no longer the victims of the circumstances in which I find myself in.

Finally, I’d like to think that all of these changes would be noticed by the people around me and this will greatly enhance your relationships and your social life. This is of course not the aim of a regular meditation practise but it’s nice to have your efforts recognised from time to time.

If I was impart any final words on meditation, it would be that regular meditation practise means different things to different people but, you won’t know what meditation will mean for you if you don’t start so consider meditation as an essential part of your day-to day living.

Like me, you’ll be glad that you did.


Corey 🙂

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