In the article “How To Slow Down: 97 Ways To Enjoy Your Life This Year” the focus is on the importance of slowing down in life, especially at the start of a new year.

The author of the article Courtney Carver emphasizes that instead of succumbing to the pressure of becoming a ‘new you’, it’s more fulfilling to enjoy life as it is. As she states…

“The good news is that we can reject all of the New Year, New You messages and decide to slow down instead. I’d rather be the same me and enjoy my life than waste time trying to fix something that is not broken.”

She also shares her personal journey of living with multiple sclerosis (MS) and how slowing down has been crucial for her well-being.

The article is structured around seven categories: body, surroundings, doing less, digital, mind, slow things, and simplicity, offering practical tips within each category to help readers slow down and be more present in their lives.

Personal Reflections on Slowing Down

In a number of posts I’ve said that one of my main goals is to live a “slow, steady, simple and silent” life. Through trying to achieve this goal I’ve realized that slowing down is directly connected to how one enjoys life.

Each time I take a deep breath or engage in an activity that helps me slow down, I become more present and this presence allows me to notice and appreciate my life more deeply.

The article’s insights resonate with me, especially the idea that consistency is more important than intensity. In my journey, going slowly has indeed taken me further than rushing.

Practical Tips for Slowing Down

  1. With Your Body: Simple actions like feeling your tongue on the roof of your mouth or squeezing and releasing your fists can help ground you in the present moment.
  2. In Your Surroundings: Creating a slow atmosphere, like lighting a candle or tidying up, can soothe your nervous system and encourage a sense of calm.
  3. By Doing Less: Saying ‘no’ more often and under-scheduling your week can create space for what truly matters.
  4. Digitally: Reducing phone usage and taking digital breaks can lead to more time spent in real-life experiences.
  5. Through Your Mind: Embracing microjoys and releasing the need for external validation can significantly slow down your mental pace.
  6. Using Simplicity: Decluttering and simplifying your environment can create a more peaceful and less hurried lifestyle.
  7. By Doing Slow Things: Engaging in activities like cooking slowly, stargazing, or journaling can help you embrace a slower pace of life.

The article concludes with a powerful message: the fast-paced, ‘more, more, more’ approach isn’t always the answer. Sometimes, embracing a slower, steadier, and gentler way of living can bring more joy and fulfilment.

This resonates with me deeply, as I believe in the power of being present and enjoying the simple, everyday moments of life.

Source: How To Slow Down: 97 Ways To Enjoy Your Life This Year – Be More with Less