One of my dearest friends Jo Stutley has a business called Darlin Dal which to my knowledge is the very first Dal bar in Australia. She creates the most exquisite Dal you’ll ever wrap your mouth around.
“But… What the hell is Dal?” I hear you all ask.
Well, Dal refers to… “dried, split pulses, including lentils, peas, and beans, that are a staple ingredient in the cuisines of the Indian subcontinent. The term is also used for various soups prepared from these pulses.”
It’s much more than just lentils believe you me.
Anyway, while I was hanging out with Jo one day I had this idea of a Dal eating experiment similar to what a guy named Jared Fogle had done with Subway. In the experiment, Jared would eat a Subway six inch salad sub every day and track his weight loss progress from just doing that.
(NB: Jared Fogle was later found out to be a child sex predator who was actually using his position as a Subway spokesperson to groom children. He is now currently serving time in prison and this of course had nothing to do with Subway nor the experiment undertaken.)
I thought that if I did a similar thing with Jo’s Dal and documented the health benefits plus the resulting weight loss from it, both Jo and I would benefit by…
- Jo having an ongoing testimonial demonstrating how good her Dal is
- Jo having more content for her website and her socials
- Me getting healthier and losing much needed weight
- Me being able to help a dear friend grow her business
As mentioned in my previous post, I will be incorporating the Dal as part of my “KetoVore” (a mixture of ketogenic and carnivore diets) eating plan using the OMAD (one meal a day) intermittent fasting protocol.

What I’ll be eating tonight… YUM!

Jo even had a spare chest freezer thrown in as part of the deal 🙂

This should keep me going for a little while
I’ve started today Monday, September 16th with a starting weight of 161.4kgs (yes, I’m now unfortunately heavier than what I was in my last post) so wish me luck and watch this space.
Corey 🙂
PS: If you want to try Jo’s Dal yourself the first thing you need to do is go to her website and check out the types of Dal’s that she has available. You won’t regret it.
Brilliant Corey 😀 how’s the studio coming along?
Hey Terry, nice to hear from you mate. The goal is that by the end of this week all of the studio bits and pieces have been completed and that the space would then be ready for people to come down and have a look and/or book in their session(s). Once everything is all done I’ll put up another post saying so 🙂
Hey Corey Your reply icon is not working
Hmmm, it’s working for me as I’ve just replied to you 🙂